Tuesday 19 February 2013

Dr. Benjamin Carson, and of course his books!!

Dr. Benjamin Carson is a world renowned neurosurgeon - popular for his successful separation of  Conjoined twins (Siamese twins ) in 1987-, and a writer of about 5 inspiring books.

'Obsidian' is a word that changed his life. As a child, he often came out least in his class to his mother's disappointment. He already believed himself to be a failure and
wasn't too bothered about being called dull; his mother however was determined to get the best out of him and his brother so she had them go to the local library as often as possible. It was on one of such visits to the library that he read up on 'Obsidian', a rock type. Next thing, a teacher asks about it in school and to the surprise of his classmates, he answers correctly. This experience helped him trust himself better, and read more. Eventually, he improved in his academics and he now makes a difference in the world. He's presently the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital.


Now to his books! Dr. Ben Carson has a number of books, all of them inspiring. Gifted hands (1990) and Think Big (1996) tell most of his life story, in them you'll find the story of his life as a child, the challenges he faced, and how he got above them.His other books are The Big Picture (2000), Take the risk (2008) and most recently, America The Beautiful (2011).

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